Curriculum Structure


Braybrook College offers a comprehensive curriculum at all levels 


• We incorporate the Victorian Curriculum and offer VCE, VET and VCAL courses to meet the needs of all students.

• Students use computers and the internet at all levels.

• Strong support programs are provided in EAL (English as an Additional Language), Literacy and Numeracy.

• Extensive co-curricular programs are provided including Instrumental Music, Sport & Camps.

• Students are individually counselled in preparation for further study or employment.

• Class sizes generally range from 21 to 25 at Years 7 to 12.



Homework timetables should be based on the following guidelines:

Year 7 and 8 - 5 hours per week

Year 9 and 10 - 8 - 10 hours per week

Year 11 - 12 hours per week

Year 12 - 20 hours per week


  Homework guidelines are outlined in the student diary.

  Homework for each subject is described and a general indication of time per week expected.

  Study skills programs are provided later in the year.



The college provides each student with a diary. 

It is essential that it is taken to each class and that work requirements and deadlines are recorded for each subject.  


In addition, a section has been included to help students complete work requirements at home.  

For example:

  How to plan and write an essay.

  How to construct a bibliography.

  Writing up a Science practical report.